Have you heard of the butterfly effect? In 1972, mathematician and meteorologist Edward Lorenz asked the question: “Does the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas?” From this question arose the concept of the butterfly effect; that is, that a tiny change can have a massive impact somewhere else.… Continue reading “Butterfly Effect”: The Ripple of the Faithful
Month: May 2019
Anxiety and Depression: For Further Study
We have just completed our series on anxiety and depression at Grace Baptist Church! My hope and prayer has been that our time reflecting on and wrestling with these emotions together would help each of us to examine our circumstances and emotions, realize we are not alone, and begin to see the magnitude of help… Continue reading Anxiety and Depression: For Further Study
Gospel Conversations
What’s the first thought, feeling, or reaction that comes to you when it comes to the possibility of confronting somebody with the gospel? I think many of us would quickly feel intimidated! If someone wants to ask how to have eternal life or the way to heaven, we might be eager to answer… but to… Continue reading Gospel Conversations