Knowing the Glorious God
Take heart in Jesus' glory!
1. Peace in looming trouble
2. Secure in eternal life
3. Confident in...
Fresh Ambition
We must intentionally pursue Jesus' mission!
1. Discontent with status quo
2. Committed with sober...
Christmas is NOT Safe
What do we do with fear? Christmas confronts us with life-changing truth with the entrance of our g...
To Rescue Man
We find joy in believing the good news!
1. Jesus transforms all uncertainty
2. Jesus fulfills God'...
To Reign
We find satisfaction in serving Jesus our King!
1. Jesus exemplifies humility
2. Jesus seeks our n...
To Represent Man to God
We find confidence to approach God through Jesus!
1. Jesus understands our weakness
2. Jesus knows...
To Reveal God to Man
We find hope in knowing God through Jesus!
1. Jesus is the character of God
2. Jesus is the presen...
Committed to the Gospel
We must persevere for the gospel!
1. With community
2. With caution
3. With courage
4. With conv...